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- This is a chronological list of films and television programs that have been recognised as being pioneering in their use of [[co ...omputer. The short animation was broadcast on November 9, 1961 on national television.<ref>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhNT501DsJI]</ref><ref>http://www.tek22 KB (3 302 parole) - 15:15, 14 gen 2016
- In 1970, [[closed-circuit television|closed circuit]] [[video]] [[camera]]s and [[videocassette]] machines becam ...TJ McHose in 1975 for the rock band [[The Tubes]] using black and white [[television]] monitors. [[File:Video amplification The Tubes.jpg|thumb|Touring [[black-13 KB (1 865 parole) - 15:15, 14 gen 2016
- ...digital professional video cameras based on [[Charge-coupled device|CCD]] technology, the idea, now re-branded as "digital cinematography," began to gain tracti As digital technology improved, movie studios began increasingly shifting towards digital cinemat41 KB (6 474 parole) - 15:16, 14 gen 2016
- * [[Sound technology]] [[Category:Television terminology]]4 KB (509 parole) - 15:16, 14 gen 2016
- ...|cable]], [[Satellite television|satellite]], or [[free-to-air]] broadcast television. The distribution rights for the film are also usually sold for worldwide d ...mmonly called [[independent filmmaking]]. Since the introduction of [[DV]] technology, the means of production have become more democratized. Filmmakers can conc19 KB (2 785 parole) - 15:16, 14 gen 2016