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- ...on]], either electronically by means of an [[image sensor]], or chemically by means of a light-sensitive material such as [[film stock]].<ref>{{Cite book ...α (''kinema'') i.e. "motion" and γραφή (''graphé'') "representation by means of lines" or "drawing", together meaning drawing motion.41 KB (6 474 parole) - 15:16, 14 gen 2016
- ...video game]], or [[television program]]. These screenplays can be original works or adaptations from existing pieces of writing. In them, the movement, acti ...markers in a script. This allows any part of the script to be referred to by scene number.14 KB (2 186 parole) - 15:16, 14 gen 2016
- ...up (such as adapting a story for children). Sometimes the editing of these works without the approval of the author can lead to a court case. ...cter, story, dialogue, and action — is an extremely rare event performed by a rare talent.6 KB (976 parole) - 15:16, 14 gen 2016